Home Scarlet Nexus Episode 13: Mysterious Identities

Scarlet Nexus Episode 13: Mysterious Identities

Scarlet Nexus episode 13 features riveting battles, as our heroes do their best to escape from Togetsu! With the first half of the season wrapping up here, a lot of information is revealed. Kasane tells Yuito the truth, and the plot further thickens from hereon out! Let’s talk about the episode’s key talking points in a spoiler-filled discussion!

Kasane saves Yuito!

Last week’s episode left off with Yuito in a bit of a pickle. On Scarlet Nexus episode 13, Kasane has a change of heart and saves Yuito from the evil computer BABE. Yup, that’s right. After trying to viciously cut his throat open just a few episodes ago, Kasane now decides that saving Yuito is in her best interests. Why this is the case, who knows?

Everyone manages to get out safe!

However, this makes matters far simpler for the Scarlet Guardians. Both Yuito and Kasane’s teams manage to escape from the clutches of Togetsu. For Yuito’s team, their escape route is blocked off by a few Togetsu guards. They make quick work of these goons, but catch a glimpse of one through their cracked mask before leaving. They’re shocked to see Kasane’s face underneath.

Admittedly, Kasane’s sudden change of heart about Yuito feels rather jarring. On more than one occasion since meeting Yuito from the future, Kasane’s been hell bent on killing him. Suddenly, she saves him from certain death? As the plot gets more and more convoluted, little things like this throw any sense of consistency Scarlet Nexus has in the air. There hasn’t really been enough to establish why Kasane would have a change of heart like this. It makes her attempts to kill him prior feel hollow, as if there just to build artificial tension.

The design children

Scarlet Nexus episode 13, along with last week’s episode, shed some light on Togetsu’s design children. It’s revealed that Kyoka is a clone of sorts made from the genes of Professor Pope. Having died many years prior to the present, Pope’s memories live on in Kyoka’s mind. This is what led her to try and manipulate Kasane to serve Togetsu’s best interests.

However, the difference between Pope’s personality and hers tears Kyoka apart. As much as there is a part of her that dedicates her work to Togetsu, there is also a part of her that views Kasane’s team as comrades. This conflict within her comes to a head in a confrontation with her and Kasane’s team.

Kyoka’s memories tear her apart!

After talking it over, Kasane agrees to take Kyoka back. Perhaps knowing that she herself may be a design child of Togetsu influenced Kasane’s decision. Though they take Kyoka back, the team warns her that at any sign of betrayal, she will be killed.

It’s kinda nice to see characters talk their issues through like this. It’s can be more interesting to see characters resolve conflict with words rather than with brute force.

It is a bit strange that the team took Kyoka back so fast though, after having been betrayed by her literally two episodes prior, though. As nice as it is that civil discussions can transpire between two parties, the contents of their discussions leave much to be desired. It’s clear that Scarlet Nexus’ story wants to reach a certain plot point, and it seems like all conversations and character motivations bend over backwards to get the story there, regardless of rational reason. It’s the second time this episode something like this has happened, and it’s kinda glaring when you put it that way.

From the moon

At the end of Scarlet Nexus episode 13, Kasane and Yuito’s teams reunite and agree to share information with each other. Kasane explains why she was trying to kill Yuito, telling them about the bleak future she saw. In return, Yuito tells Kasane about the information he learned at Togetsu. He tells them all about how people from Earth moved to the moon due to the planet being uninhabitable. Afterward, a number of people left the moon to return to Earth and create a new country.

Everyone’s all caught up now!

There are doubts among the group upon hearing this, but Kageru confirms what Yuito says. He explains that he was one of those people from the moon. He also reveals that the hideout he’d brought them to was the spaceship he used to return to earth, shocking everyone further!

So both teams are now on good terms and are all caught up. What could this mean for everyone involved? There’s a huge number of conflicts going on at the same time here, it’s kinda hard to keep track of them all. As Scarlet Nexus approaches its second half of the season, this is the landscape that the show delves into. It will be interesting to see how the show tackles these points.

And yes, you read that right! Scarlet Nexus is getting a second cour! In fact, the show isn’t even going to be taking a break, as it will resume regular service next week. Scarlet Nexus is streaming on Funimation and on the Ani-One Asia Official YouTube channel! Episode 14 comes out on September 30th.


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