Home A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 8 - Sachi Moves In

A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 8 - Sachi Moves In

At long last Sachi has appeared once again in episode 8 of A Couple of Cuckoos. As a result of the events that happened in this episode, we might see more of her often now. As the title suggests, Sachi moves into Nagi and Erika’s house. It may be a drastic decision but her reason for moving in is so sweet and very telling of her character. Not to mention, her move actually benefits everyone, except maybe her father who will miss her dearly.

How Sachi’s Decision Affects All

Nagi and Erika have been living together for quite some time now, leaving Sachi feeling envious and left out. Not only that but since she knows both of them are engaged, she barely has time left to spend with her brother or get to know her sister better. With that being said, she made a quick decision to move in together with them and it’s a win-win situation for her because she gets closer to both of her elder siblings. On top of that, she gets the help she needs in studying since her brother is there and Nagi seems strict about Sachi’s performance in school. She can also finally catch up to Erika who was feeling overjoyed about the move.

Slowly Accepting

There’s one scene in the episode wherein Nagi and Sachi were talking about their family and differences until Sachi says that they’re not even siblings. Now, this scene is the highlight of the episode for me because it shows that Sachi is slowly accepting the dilemma that they’re currently in. It kinda portrays that she wants to stop treating Nagi as a brother. Since episode 4, Sachi has been a bit mean to Nagi. I wonder if this is just been how they treat each other as siblings ever since but in this episode, we were shown a flashback of how Sachi looked up to her brother when they were little. There’s also a possibility that she’s jealous that her brother gets to have a suite life while she’s stuck with their rowdy mother and loud father. And then, of course, there’s this last reason: she’s confused about her feelings for Nagi if she loves him as a family or something else. I hope I’m wrong with the last reason since I do love their sibling dynamic relationship and if Erika and Nagi do end up tying the knot someday, Sachi and Nagi will still be siblings in a way.

Sachi’s Personality

It may take some time to know more about Sachi but with her moving in, we can finally get to see some more personality from her. Overall, Sachi as a character is making the series more exciting for me because of what she brings to the table. She possesses the personality of a younger sister: one who is self-centered and impulsive but also outgoing and fun-loving at the same time. She’s also a bit of an attention seeker but that’s not the main issue since that’s what makes her character more relatable than the rest of the cast and who knows what else she can bring out to make the series more exciting.

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© Miki Yoshikawa / Kodansha / A Couple of Cuckoos Production Committee

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