Besides the new collaboration cafe which just opened, the beloved mascot of Nanatsu no Taizai, Hawk, is also making an appearance! The location of its first appearance was one of the cafes. It’s the XFLAG STORE SHIBUYA, Tokyo, and Hawk won’t be appearing in the Osaka one. The cafe opened on November 14, and Hawk will also be greeting guests 4 times on Sunday as well. The mascot appears 4 times a day with 2 hours in between, and the appearance lasts about 10 minutes each time.
The official Twitter for The Seven Deadly Sins also shared a video on the platform. It shows Hawk moving around and being more than just a static decoration:
They also wrote that there are various developments planned for the future. Such as greetings at various places and some events on Twitter are planned.
In Nanatsu no Taizai, Hawk saved the day a few times and is still somewhat a mystery. Unless I missed it, it will probably be explained in the final anime season. It was confirmed to be produced by Studio DEEN and Marvy Jack, who also did the 3rd season. Hopefully they can deliver an adequate adaptation for the finale and we get a satisfying ending to a nice story.
Source: Nanatsu no Taizai Twitter and Website
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