Wonder Egg Priority Episode 3 premiered on January 27, 2021, and it introduced a new heroine! Kawai Rika is, as her surname suggests, a cute girl that has a very specific character. Entire episode, as always, was extremely beautiful and the animation during some scenes were top notch! As always, beware of spoilers below. If you want, you can read our article about the previous episode here!
Kawai Rika is the third main heroine of Wonder Egg Priority. Episode introduced her as a rather strange girl that only cares about looks when picking friends. She bragged a lot about her past and was very annoying at first. As the episode progressed we got to know more about her and it was only natural to feel bad for her.
This was the first episode in which we got to see two heroines fighting alongside each other. What’s more, every episode seems fresh and the animation just keeps and keeps surprising me. It just seems that with each episode the series is becoming more beautiful and refined than it was before.
Also, you can vote for Wonder Egg Priority for Best Anime of the Week here!
Screenshots via Funimation Wonder Egg Priority Episode 3 stream
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